Our thanks Peter and John from Monnis Greek Restaurant for the nibbles - stunning and bookings are now being taken for the restaurant....
Business card Draw sponsored by Danneka from Braintree Information
This week we had two winners -
Wendy from Lota training : Champagne
Ronnie from Grange Guest House : Wilkinsons of Tiptree Gift Hamper
Attendees this week included:
AngliaComputers - James and Daren
Compliant Solutions - Ian
Mezzos - John & Peter
Remedy - Ian
Car Capital - Liz
DAT Images - James
Braintree information - Danneka
WSI Business sense - Alasdair
Mainstream Building Sers - Mick
Leo Print - Denise
Grange Guest House - Chris & Ronnie
Baverstocks - Philip
Janet Money B&B*
Black Cat Energy Sers - Tony + Jonathan
The Village Emporium - Janet + Hubby*
Kyrene Marketing Solutions - Frances
Brainwave Charity - Gerry
Speedeclean - Anthony
MF Hatton Garden - Amanda
Lota Training - Kevin & Wendy
Essex Social Media - Paul*
Silver Rose Photography - Amy
Gee Force - Nick
WayneCollier Company Ltd - Wayne
+ a small number of people that forgot their business cards!
If there was anyone that I missed off the list please let me know.
* denotes a first time attendee
Our next Witham Business Networking meeting will be on Friday 25th March
Another great social event last evening to celebrate the groups 1st birthday. Monnis have certainly raise the bar with the food, I look forward to the weeks to come.