The next informal gathering of Witham Business Network takes place on Friday 28th September.
Many thanks to all those that were able to come along to the White Horse Public House last time - I suspect that the recent change in the weather will mean that we will be huddled round the fire inside next time - unless the sun is shining.
Our next informal gathering will take place on Friday, 28th September 2018 at the White Horse Public House, Church Street, Witham CM8 2JL - The venue is a short walk from Witham Railway Station and there is ample free parking for attendees.
5pm - 7pmish
Meetings are free to attend and there are no speeches, wooden spoons or 30 second elevator pitches - just an informal opportunity to mix with other local like minded business owners.
Future dates for the diary :
Friday 12th October
Friday 26th October